These are set and enforced by the moderators.
We are currently an 18+ server.
Appropriation & appropriative practices are not tolerated within this instance. If it's not yours to use, don't use it. Examples of this include Indigenous American practices, initiatory/closed religions (hoodoo, vodou, etc), and entities found in initiatory/closed religions (like Lilith).
Listen to marginalised voices when it comes to marginalised subjects - including when discussing closed/initiatory paths.
The instance is otherkin/d, alterhuman/alterbeing, therian, & godspouse/spiritspouse friendly.
Don’t perform unsolicited magic, divination, or channelling on/for people.
There are many ways to practise or engage with spirituality, religion, occultism, etc - your way is not the only way and some folks might do things differently. Respect each other’s practices.
Bigotry including white supremacy, transphobia, homophobia/queerphobia, misogyny, antisemitism, racism, ableism, sanism, nationalism, nazism & fascism is grounds for a ban.
Don’t harass each other or make derogatory remarks.
No spam, misinformation, or conspiracy theories.
Approach conversations and toots in good faith and kindness.
- is friendly to entheogen usage & chemognosis, but please tag it with a CW out of courtesy
Animal remains/vulture culture finds should be spoilered & tagged with a CW out of courtesy
NSFW content should be spoilered out of courtesy